Corsi Make-Up Artist Individual 2019

Training and High Professional Specialization in the center of Milan for Makeup Artists, Makeup Artists, Beauty Consultants, Beauticians, Hair Stylists, Fashion Stylists and Fashion Designers.

With headquarters and showroom in the historic Palazzo Cusini, in the heart of Milan, a few steps from Piazza San Babila, from the Cathedral and from Fashion Quadrilateral, Beauty Fashion Academy represents a prestigious referencein Training and High Professional Specialization.
All Courses are limited, with a maximum number of 10 participants per class.
In an elegant and refined environment,BFA-Milan it has a classroom for practical lessons with 6 make-up stations, a classroom dedicated to individual courses with a make-up station, desk and monitor; there are also additional 6 and 14-seat classrooms with monitors and maxi-screens for workshops and educational lessons, and affiliated photographic studios
for a complete training offer in every sector.

The didactic planning foreseesCourses for Make-Up Artist at periodic frequency,Courses of Image Designer,Master ofSpecializationProfessionalfull immersion,Workshop training, Individual Courses One-to-One free frequency,Private Courses with personalized educational programs.
they were designed to allow basic trainingacademic also to those who do not have the possibility of joining pre-organized classes in classes, for work or logistic needs, or those who simply want to have the opportunity to have the Exclusive teacher for himself taking advantage of the formula"Private lessons", in order to reach the established educational objective in a short time and with real effectiveness, remaining free from the dynamics and the constraints that regulate the collective lessons. The beginning of the course can be established based on the availability of the Student and the Teacher, agreeing and configuring attendance to the lessons according to personal and educational needs, even after the course has started.
BFA Milan it also makes its Teaching Coordinators available for an orientation interview, in order to define the path that best fits the client's educational objective.


the Courses Make-Up ArtistBEAUTY 60 or 100 hours, is BEAUTY WEDDING 100 hours, where the educational program is pre-configured and the frequency is personalized, i PRIVATE TRAINING or PRIVATE courses starting from 100 hours in which it is also possible to configure the training course tailored to the specific needs of the student, according to his / her skills and / or professional goals to be achieved. In all cases, access to the courses is subject to a preliminary orientation interview and to the availability of teaching staff and classrooms, and in Private Courses with a personalized program it may be necessary to carry out a specific technical preventive assessment test, in order to to accurately conform the educational path and the composition of the product KIT


Base 60 h - Avanzato 100 h
Frequenza Personalizzata
Iscrizioni Aperte
Disponibilità dal 09/09/2019

Attestato di partecipazione e superamento d'esame
Book Foto professionali 
lavoro d'esame
60H € 2.000,00 IVA Inclusa
100H € 3.000,00 IVA Inclusa
Compreso KIT prodotti professionali e Shooting Fotografico


Avanzato - 100 ore
Frequenza Personalizzata
Iscrizioni Aperte
Disponibilità dal 09/09/2019

certificate participation and passing exams
certificate of Specialization
Book Photo professional
exam work
€ 3,200.00 VAT Included
Including KIT professional products and Photo Shooting


A partire da 100 ore
 Frequenza Personalizzata
Iscrizioni Aperte
Disponibilità dal 3/06/2019

certificate participation and passing exams
certificate of Specialization
Book Photo professional
exam work
Starting from € 3,500.00 ic
Including KIT products
professional custom
and Photo Shooting
through a specific advice preventive with our Professors, provide for theprogram customization of teaching to configure and create ad hoc educational content, training modules and frequencies, defining an exclusive and tailor-made educational path, fully functional to the pre-established educational goal. There exclusive configuration of educational programs, with courses starting from100 hours or training modules for single days, is made accessible both for those who have already had experience with the world of make-up (professionals or semi-professionals) and who want to perfect themselves or specialize in specific aspects or to fill in gaps left by previous academic paths, indicating the points directly they want to deepen, both for students who need to know specific stylistic and technical fields, to excel in sectors not directly associated with the profession of professional make-up artist, carrying out a training course focused only on particular themes.
The teaching will in fact be concentrated exclusively on the Customer's mission,
providing solid bases and specific technical notions to play with professional roles, tasks or professional activities related to Professional make-up, to the Teaching at private schools, or for example in collaborations in the world of Fashion, of the Advertising, of the Wedding, of disclosure or in commercial areas, for a training experience really"tailor made".

Numerous services have already been used makeup artists of each sector for targeted updates, Professors of Make-Up Academies,Skin Specialists, Beauticians, Hairdressers, Hairdressers etc, for targeted upgrades, without spending time and money, in addition to Make-up shop assistants, Fashion Stylist, Image Consultants, Blogger, Youtuber.
To consolidate this reality BFA Milan makes use of collaborations and professional synergies consolidated with excellent Professionals and Consultants in every sector (Markenting, Fotorafia, Nail Art, Cosmetology, Fashion, Art, Visual Comunication etc ..) able to satisfy every educational and training requirement, which make available their know-how and their own experience in order to increase the individual qualities and professional growth of each individual, to train excellent professionals.

BFA-MILANO utilizza nei propri corsi i principali e più noti libri di testo in ambito make-up. Sono inoltre sempre disponibili per gli allievi, gratuitamente e su prenotazione, ulteriori testi didattici di Trucco, Moda, Storia del costume, Fotografia, Cosmetologia, Comunicazione, oltre a tutte le più importanti riviste di riferimento del settore. Nelle lezioni vengono sempre utilizzati sia i prodotti specifici per il trucco professionale che quelli più noti a livello commerciale, bio e vegan inclusi, per la massima efficacia didattica e formativa in funzione delle rispettive, specifiche caratteristiche che li differenziano (composizione, INCI, performance, modalità di applicazione, ambito di utilizzo).

Al termine di tutti i Corsi, viene rilasciato il formale Attestato di partecipazione e frequenza, con indicata la Specializzazione Tecnica o la qualifica professionale conseguita, quando presente. 
E' inoltre sempre previsto lo Shooting Fotografico professionale in aula o in studio con consegna delle foto per il proprio portfolio personale, il KIT di Prodotti Make-Up professionali differenziati per corso 
e la Membership Card di affiliazione esclusiva della durata di 12 mesi.
I costi dei singoli Corsi possono essere rateizzabili, al netto della quota di iscrizione.

Gli Allievi di tutti i Corsi Individuali potranno avere accesso diretto a successivi Workshop, Corsi e Master di Specializzazione BFA Milano a condizioni agevolate e con lista prioritaria.


E' possibile iscriversi direttamente online compilando l'apposito Form oppure richiedendo il modulo via email In entrambi i casi è previsto il versamento della quota di acconto prevista (€ 100,00 per giornata singola - € 500,00 per il corso completo) pagabile online con Carta di Credito/PayPal oppure tramite bonifico bancario utilizzando le coordinate indicate. Il saldo della quota di iscrizione può essere regolato in qualsiasi momento con le medesime modalità, oppure direttamente in Accademia prima dell'inizio della lezione.

The reservations of the classrooms and of the Teachers on the requested dates are intended as completed with the sending of the registration form and the payment of the deposit.
For the priority access, the date of payment or bank credit will be used.

Admission to the course is always subject to the availability of the classrooms,
which is constantly updated in real time.

The Academy reserves the right to request an interview at the venue
and / or a pre-admission testbefore confirming the registration to the Private Courses.
CONTATTI E INFORMAZIONI - +390282874595 / +393662797461


BFA-MILANO affianca e sostiene il professionista nella propria attività, 
integrandone o completandone la formazione attraverso un'offerta didattica mirata e diversificata per obiettivi, specializzazione, durata e frequenza.
L'elevata personalizzazione dei Corsi disponibili consente di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza professionale, sia che si tratti di aggiornare le proprie competenze e la propria preparazione per essere costantemente al passo con il mercato, sia nel caso si intenda imprimere un'accelerazione o un upgrade alla propria carriera specializzandosi in ambiti di particolare rilievo e in cui la domanda di figure professionali specifiche è in costante crescita, come ad esempio il settore della moda, della pubblicità e della comunicazione visiva.
E' inoltre possibile richiedere e configurare corsi privatamente, con programmi formativi e frequenza personalizzati, disponibili per singoli allievi o professionisti e per aziende, negozi beauty, profumerie, saloni di bellezza, centri estetici e catene in franchising.
BFA-MILANO è presente nei più importanti eventi internazionali di moda e design di Milano, 
ed è partner dei principali Brand di prodotti Make-Up e Skin Care, riservando ai propri clienti eventi e presentazioni esclusive, MasterClass dedicate e la Membership Card di affiliazione per un anno.
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